tolerance in islam
Since the beginning of time God has sent prophets and messengers to Earth to both guide and enlighten its residents. Starting with Prophet Adam and ending with Prophet Muhammed peace be upon them. Throughout history, many religions broke out but arguably the three main heavenly religions that had had an immersive effect are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. All three of these monotheistic religions worship the same God, this is proven in Islam because it's a vital part to believe in all previous heavenly religions including their prophets and Scriptures. Click here for more.
eid al-adha, the celebration of the sacrifice
Eid Al-Adha is a vital celebration in the religion of Islam, it incapsulates the beauty and necessity of having faith in God. The history of this celebration began with Prophet Ibrahim and his son Prophet Ismail (peace be upon them). One night Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) had a disturbing dream. He dreamt that God told him to sacrifice Ismail. Click here for more.