Hussain's Pilgrimage (Hajj)
Imam hussain's prayer on the day of a'arafah
excerpts from hussain's a'arafah prayer
You had begun bestowing on me before I was anything worth mentioning, and You created me from dust. You then put me up in the loins, (making me) saved from vicissitudes of time, and change of years. I was moving from a loin to a womb throughout the passage of the past days and ancient ages. Click here for more.
did hussain really end his hajj?
It was in the year 60 AH (680 CE) when Imam Hussain and his family intended to perform the Islamic pilgrimage of Hajj. However, Hussain had found out that the followers of the tyrant caliph, Yazid, have entered Mecca as pilgrims intending to kill him. Click here for more.