The Askew Horses
It is known that horses do not stop on people’s chests and tend to move away from those who are lying on the ground. In the battle of Karbala, Omar son of Sa’ad ordered ten soldiers to stomp on the holy chest of imam Hussain with their horses. When the horses would get closer to the body of the imam they would back away. When Omar was informed about this, he ordered the soldiers to bend the horses’s heads with chains and to cover their eyes. Thus, they were named the askew horses, innocent creatures who were forced to stomp on the holy body of the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny). The entire universe wept and cried over Hussain in that moment, and animals protested and tried their best not to do harm. Yet humans who were fully aware of the greatness of the person standing in front of them, murdered him in cold blood in the name of money.