بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
وَإِنَّكَ لَعَلَىٰ خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ
“ And you possess an exalted character.”- Quran (68-4)
A man who cared for many was labeled as the loyal and the generous , even before he came into prophethood. Prophet Muhamad’s (Peace be upon him & his progeny ) character and kindness has touched many, he was the embodiment of every righteous virtue a human can possess. Some might associate his holy name with violence and greed, because of extremist who can be found in every region but do not represent them in any way shape or form. Prophet Muhammad ( Peace be upon him & his progeny ) is truly a reflection of the prophet’s that walked the Earth before him such as prophet Jesus, Moses, and Ibrahim he’s a unifier of God’s message and a gift to mankind.
Prophet Muhammad’s character was extraordinary, it is that character that eased the hearts of millions if not towards the love of God then to just learning to become a better human being. In his life he displayed multiple acts of kindness and tolerance towards others no matter their faith. The prophet (Peace be upon him & his progeny ) had a neighbor whom wasn’t of his followers, the neighbor would throw thorns in his path daily. On a day when the Prophet noticed that the thorns were absent, he inquired about the neighbor and proceeded to care for him when he heard that he was ill. To some this act may seem extreme, for why help those who only wanted to harm you and cause you pain? What prophet Muhammad displayed at that moment was great strength, showing that a human being no matter what the cost should not ever stoop to the level of those with corrupt souls and weak morals. Prophet Muhammad ( Peace be upon him & his progeny ) taught how to be strong and true to what you believe , to respond and act upon kindness rather than in hate and with vengeance. He is an example to thrive into becoming a person that has faith in God and then in themselves, for those who are moral and reflect the true acts and goodness in prophet Muhammad and all the prophets that preceded him are truly the strongest in God’s eyes.
- Figure 1: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/432838214186826822/ Artist: Hassan Rooh Ameen Allah
- Figure 2: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/822469950684983383/